With video and/or audio (Google/Gmail platforms work best):
Online tutorial for the GIS Mapping system MAGIS Tutorial
Podcast- Read 'Em & Weep, Episode 2, "The Dark Side of Books" (pre-cut clip)
Workshop on Augmented Reality in a Theoretical Archive
Workshop on The History of Book Clasps
Video Interview I conducted with local cataloger
Not recorded:
The Book Making Workshop co-taught with Ellen-Rae Cachola, is now an annual event every November!
Two Book Making Workshops, co-taught with Ellen-Rae Cachola, November, 2023, 28 attendees
Book Making Workshop, co-taught with Ellen-Rae Cachola, November, 2019, 20 attendees
Basic Book Repair Workshop, co-taught with Ellen-Rae Cachola, October, 2019, 12 attendees
Ongoing in-person trainings on book repair of student library employees at the William S. Richardson School of Law: Book Doctor Trainings
Presenting for the Hawaii Library Association Conference, November 2018: "Dystopian Futures: Murder, Genealogy Databases, DNA, Ethnicity and Privacy." Honolulu, HI
Presentation for the Association of Tribal Archives, Libraries, and Museums (ATALM) Conference in October 2017: Fake News: Responses and Responsibilities of Tribal Libraries. Albuquerque, NM
Group Presentation for the HI Pacific Chapter of the Special Library Assoc. (SLA) at the Hawai‘i Library Association's Conference in Nov. 2016:
Small Resources, Big Impact: Maximizing the impact of Outreach and Collaboration. Hilo, HI
Presentation for the Association of Tribal Archives, Libraries, and Museums (ATALM) Conference in October 2016 and for Hawaii Museum Association Conference in April 2015 : Adding Context to Historical Sites: There's An App for That. Phoenix, AZ
Presentation- Illuminated Manuscripts
Presentation: Praiseworthy Appraisal
Group Presentation: EBSCO, ProQuest and Gale
Group Presentation: EBSCOhost and ProQuest
Group Presentation: Searching PsychINFO